Information on the full range of KLEENOIL Oil Filtration Systems


Kleenoil filtration

Systems Catalogue

By-pass, Cellulose depth filtrat ion

achieves the finest degree of

contaminant & moisture removal

through a simple, affordable

installat ion.

Fine filtration of particulate and water

Achieve an ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code – 14/9 NAS 1638 Class 6

Uni t Operat ion

The Kleenoil Bypass Filter System is a bypass oil filtration system that passes only a small portion of the total oil flow through a very dense filter cartridge. At a very slow speed, it is possible to remove particles down to 1 micron (3 absolute), remove 99.95% of all water, greatly decrease engine wear and prolong oil life.

Kleenoil can eliminate water and particle contamination, extend oil life up to 5 times and hydraulic oil up to 10 times, reduce engine/machine wear and component wear, dramatically reduce downtime, and is applicable to engines as well as hydraulic systems

The Kleenoi l f i l ter achieves an ISO 4406 Cleanl iness Code of 14/9: wel l below the standards of the equipment ’ s or iginal manufacturers and di st r ibutors .

Bypass filter technology will greatly improve oil quality, and the overall health and life of a component • lower wear, • lower oil consumption, • higher combustion efficiency • longer oil life


The KLEENOIL Filter range








Code SDU9788KU85

• Tech

R e p l a c eme n t f i l t e r

Item number: Sdu9788KU85

c a r t r i dg e

Single item weight 5.45kilo

The SDU is usable in engines with a sump capacity of up to 80 litre or a oil capacity of 1360 litre on hydraulic systems. As the largest capacity of KLEENOIL Unit ; This is installed on all Micron Filtration Systems from 1 or as multiples of 2, 4, 6 & 8 allowing for a flow rate of 250lph per unit according to pump ability.

Item number: SDFC1888KF85

Single item weight 850g

Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover, brass fastening and nylon printed handles.. Height 100mm

Remote mounted unit for easy service.



Maximum pressure rating of Unit 10 Bar

Lid torque pressure 18 ft lbs

P a c k e d i n c a r t o n s o f 6

Item number:






Box dimensions

220X620X220 MM

Water retention


Shipping weight: 5.7KILO

Quad bolt seal system.

Sold as a complete unit with bracket kit and initial cartridge.

UK Despatch via 24hr service

• Hydraulic

Pr e s s ure r e duc i ng v a l ve

As the most popular & versatile sizes unit – the SDU9788KU85 will suit most LARGE applications; particularly as a hydraulic unit with PRV to offer oil cleaning solutions to most hydraulic systems. Ideal for cleaning most hydraulic, gear, and transmission fluid, and as a portable design, used for fuel tank purging on trucks, construction equipment, and boats. For oil and fuel transfer and rotational cleaning of factory and industrial equipment.


COD E p r v - m a n i f o l d k i t

The PRV Modules can be installed to hydraulic systems, compressors, or any system with oil at pressure up to 3000PSI. The flow through the Kleenoil Filter is controlled to approximately 4 ltrs / minute at 40 PSI. to give a flow rate low enough to offer negligible effects on most 'System Pressures', Yet high enough to ensure that oil is being kept in 'as new' condition.


Code HDU9778KU50

• Tech

R e p l a c eme n t f i l t e r

Item number: Hdu9778KU50

c a r t r i dg e

Single item weight 3.75kilo

Item number: HDFC1878KF50

Single item weight 450g

The HDU is usable in engines with a sump capacity of up to 40 litre or a oil capacity of 540 litre on hydraulic systems. A popular sized system for medium sized tanks such as lifting gear, generators and truck engines.

Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover, brass fastening and nylon printed handles.. Height 100mm

Remote mounted unit for easy service.



Maximum pressure rating of Unit 10 Bar

Lid torque pressure 18 ft lbs

P a c k e d i n c a r t o n s o f 1 2



Item number:




Box dimensions

Water retention


310X450X220 MM

Shipping weight: 5.95KILO

Quad bolt seal system.

Sold as a complete unit with bracket kit and initial cartridge.

UK Despatch via 24hr service

• Hydraulic

Pr e s s ure r e duc i ng v a l ve

The HDU9778KU50 will suit most applications; particularly as a hydraulic unit with PRV to offer oil cleaning solutions to most MEDIUM sized hydraulic systems. Ideal for cleaning most hydraulic, gear, and transmission fluids.


COD E p r v - m a n i f o l d k i t

The PRV Modules can be installed to hydraulic systems, compressors, or any system with oil at pressure up to 3000PSI. The flow through the Kleenoil Filter is controlled to approximately 4 ltrs / minute at 40 PSI. to give a flow rate low enough to offer negligible effects on most 'System Pressures', Yet high enough to ensure that oil is being kept in 'as new' condition.

KLEENOIL 9768 light DUTY unit

Code lDU9768KU16

• Tech

R e p l a c eme n t f i l t e r

c a r t r i dg e

Item number: ldu9768KU16

Single item weight 3.75kilo

Item number: LDFC1868KF16

Single item weight 200g

The LDU is usable in engines with a sump capacity of up to 16 litre or a oil capacity of 225 litre on hydraulic systems.

Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover, brass fastening and nylon printed handles.. Height 106mm

Remote mounted unit for easy service.

Maximum pressure rating of Unit 10 Bar



The LDU9768KU16 shown here on a forklift application on H-Hydraulics (with PRV) E-Engine & T-Transmission.

Lid torque pressure 18 ft lbs



P a c k e d i n c a r t o n s o f 1 2



Item number: LDFC1868KF16

Box dimensions

Water retention


230X330X210 MM

Single bolt seal system.

Shipping weight: 3KILO

Sold as a complete unit with bracket kit and initial cartridge.

UK Despatch via 24hr service

• Hydraulic

Pr e s s ure r e duc i ng v a l ve


COD E p r v - m a n i f o l d k i t

The LDU9768KU16 suits small tank applications such fork lifts, canal boat engines, small generators, farm machinery and small plant equipment work in harsh environments.

The PRV Modules can be installed to hydraulic systems, compressors, or any system with oil at pressure up to 3000PSI. The flow through the Kleenoil Filter is controlled to approximately 4 ltrs / minute at 40 PSI. to give a flow rate low enough to offer negligible effects on most 'System Pressures', Yet high enough to ensure that oil is being kept in 'as new' condition.


Code MDU9758KU06

• Tech

R e p l a c eme n t f i l t e r

c a r t r i dg e

Item number: Mdu9758KU06

Single item weight 1.2kilo

Item number: MDFC1858KF06

Single item weight 100g

Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover, brass fastening and nylon printed handles.. Height 110mm

The MDU is usable in engines with a sump capacity of up to 6 litre or in small engines up to 6 ltr sump with a pumped oil supply.

Remote mounted unit for easy service. Maximum pressure rating of Unit 10 Bar



Lid torque pressure 18 ft lbs

P a c k e d i n c a r t o n s o f 1 2



Item number:




Box dimensions

Water retention


140X100X120 MM

Screw seal system.

Shipping weight: 1.2KILO

Sold as a complete unit with bracket kit and initial cartridge.

UK Despatch via 24hr service

• Hydraulic

Originally designed for the German Motorbike market - Ideal for small sump applications such as small vehicles, lifting gear, generators, compressor units and refrigerator units where there is no space for the LDU9768KU06. These do require a regular filter change due to the smaller depth of media.

Pr e s s ure r e duc i ng v a l ve


COD E p r v - m a n i f o l d k i t

The PRV Modules can be installed to hydraulic systems, compressors, or any system with oil at pressure up to 3000PSI. The flow through the Kleenoil Filter is controlled to approximately 4 ltrs / minute at 40 PSI. to give a flow rate low enough to offer negligible effects on most 'System Pressures', Yet high enough to ensure that oil is being kept in 'as new' condition.



• Tech

R e p l a c eme n t f i l t e r

Item number: KU65/KLEENFUEL

c a r t r i dg e

Single item weight 4.90kilo

Item number: KF65 OR


The KU65 is usable in engines with a sump capacity of up to 40 litre or a oil capacity of 1000 litre on hydraulic systems. As an alternative for HDU9778Ku50 in adverse operating conditions. And where excessive engine soot occurs.

Single item weight 800g

Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover, brass fastening and nylon printed handles.. Height 100mm

for a flow rate of 250lph per unit according to pump ability.

Remote mounted unit for easy service.



Maximum pressure rating of Unit 10 Bar

P a c k e d i n c a r t o n s o f 6

Lid torque pressure 18 ft lbs

Item number: KF65 OR




Box dimensions



200X560X220 MM

Water retention


Shipping weight: 4.55KILO

Quad bolt seal system.

UK Despatch via 24hr service

Sold as a complete unit with bracket kit and initial cartridge.

Pr e s s ure r e duc i ng v a l ve

• Hydraulic

COD E p r v - m a n i f o l d k i t


The PRV Modules can be installed to hydraulic systems, compressors, or any system with oil at pressure up to 3000PSI. The flow through the Kleenoil Filter is controlled to approximately 4 ltrs / minute at 40 PSI. to give a flow rate low enough to offer negligible effects on most 'System Pressures', Yet high enough to ensure that oil is being kept in 'as new' condition.

A unit sized to suit both fuel and oil tank applications – the KU65 & KLEENFUELUNITS will suit most applications; particularly For oil and fuel transfer and rotational cleaning of factory and industrial equipment.

KLEENOIL MS – MICRON F ILTRATION SYSTEMS F r e e - s t a n d i n g , o f f l i n e , f l u i d c l e a n i n g r i g s , u s e d a s a mu l t i p u r p o s e c l e a n e r s o r t r a n s f e r u n i t s • As Mobile carts ( sack truck type) or mainly mobile bunded work stations • Standard fit with S, M or L range heavy duty Mono progressive cavity pumps and 230/240 volt motors. (110V & 415V Options) • Multiple SDU9788KU85 KLEENOIL filter units with initial SDFC1888KF85 filter cartridges • Fitted with isolator switch, on/off switch, red/green indicator lights, pressure overload cut out switch, by pass valve, pressure gauge, sampling points on inlet and outlet, sampling tube, opt’quick release couplings and 3 metre suction and return lines. • Supplied complete and ready to use. • Flow range from 250 lph to 2000 lph. • Longer hose assemblies available . • Optional MICROMAGMagnetic filtration system for visual indicator & submicron ferrous removal. • Warranty 12 months on all parts. • Full instruction manual and parts listing. • All Rigs are built to order, available within 5 to 10 working days. • UK Manufactured with C.E certification • Oil Flow Rate: Output levels are dependent on pump type, viscosity, temperature, degree of contamination, and oil pressure. A self contained unit, with own pump and motor to facilitate suction, cleansing and release back into the same tank or as a transfer/purge system. Ideal for cleaning most hydraulic, gear, and transmission fluid, and as a portable design, used for fuel tank purging on trucks, construction equipment, and boats. For oil and fuel transfer and rotational cleaning of factory and industrial equipment. FOR FULL MS RANGE – https://user-2301028084.cld.bz/KLEENOIL-MS-CATALOGUE-2021

• Tech

Multipurpose filtration systems for rotational cleansing across the factory floor or as permanent location to support inadequate pressure and return filtration

• Applica’

MAGNETIC CORE MODULE (MCM) A n a d d o n ma g n e t i c f i l t r a t i o n CORE t o r e mo v e f e r r o u s ma t e r i a l t o s u b m i c r o n l e v e l s a s a p e r f e c t c omp l i m e n t t o c e l l u l o s e d e p t h f i l t r a t i o n .

• Tech

How it works

Using a central core within the unit itself, the entire volume of fluid must pass within 5mm of its 4000 gauss magnet many times collecting any ferrous particulate, annihilating any form of diesel bug, and then through the depth filter to remove the remaining debris down to 3 micron and remove all water. The "RARE EARTH" magnet or Neodymium Iron Borium magnet uses a very high intensity of the magnetic cores and is one of the strongest magnets in the world. The highly polished "RARE EARTH" magnet is permanently mounted, to the lid, in the Kleenoil housing. The oil passes this very strong magnet first and then drops by the filter element Kleenoil.

An inexpensive add-on with massive benefits for an ever increasing problem .

• Applica’

The "RARE EARTH" magnet

Almost every application has significant levels of ferrous material to make this ‘add - on’ a valuable asset to take metal particulate down to sub micron levels to ensure significant filtration efficiency.

serves as a pre-filter for the

smallest metal particles

(including sub-micron

particles) to remove from

the machine oils. Then

achieving a significant

extension of the life of the

filter element


Remove particles down to 1 micron (3 absolute) , remove

• Tech

99.95% of all water, greatly decreasing machine wear

and prolonging oi l l ife


• Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover and brass fastening • Additional graded polypropylene disc • Handles


Oil Flow Rate: Output levels are dependent on viscosity, temperature, degree of contamination, and oil pressure. Guide – For SAE 15w/40 oil @ 70

Filtration Level: ISO 14/11/9 equivalent to NAS 1638 class 6. (Hydraulic oil specification)

Disc reduces particle migration and handles help for ease of extraction

For all general use whereby preventing lower particle migration achieves better ISO readings faster

Action of the cartridge

c/ 60 psi/ 4.2Kcm- 0.44gcm/ 2.01mp to 0.65gpm/ 3.01mp

The filtration cartridge acts both by absorption and by adsorption in a continuous recycling process. Long fibres of the paper attract the water formed either through the combustion process in an engine or by condensation in a tank and absorb like a sponge, at the same time rejecting the large oil molecules which are forced to pass between the tight windings of the cartridge. As the oil passes through the cartridge, minute carbon, wear metals, and silicon particles are extracted from the oil by adhering to the many surfaces of the filter - a process known as adsorption. Thus the cartridge, by removing water inhibits the production of acids which both degrade the oil and cause excessive wear The Kleenoil Bypass Filter Cartridge will remove particles down to 3 micron (relative) and totally remove water. The principle for filtering particulate matter is ‘liquid chromatography’ which is in effect allowing a fluid to drain down a surface which will progressively arrest particles. This is achieved by having the tissue rolled on a core. Oil is passed up the core, collecting in a cavity to be forced back down between countless layers where particles are adsorbed within the matrix created by millions of cellulose fibres. The principle for filtering water is capillary absorption into the hollow vegetable fibre of the cellulose tissue. The molecular structure of the oil is to large too be absorbed this way and so flow through free of contaminant..

Eg; As a summary guide – 250 lph per SDU9788KU85 vessel Operating Temperatures: Within operating specifications of engine, gear and hydraulic oils. Filtration Level: Particulate contamination in accordance with BS 5540 part 4: 1981 and ISO/DIS 4406. ISO equivalent to NAS 1638 class 6. (Hydraulic oil specification)

Use you cartridge change as a ‘patch test’ opportunity – seeing what is entrapped in the top of the media can be a warning to any looming issues in the system. If there are serious levels that can be seen then a lab test of the oil is a good move to understand the route cause.

Take advantage of the KLEENOIL f ree ma i ntenance program

• Service

Check machine, oil and filtration condition Change filtration cartridges as required on full flow/pressure, air breathers and supporting filtration

Dispose of used filters, if required

• Report

Oil sample through an independent laboratory

Provide full reports and recommendations

KLEENOIL offer monthly or quarterly visits to change filters, sample oil, report and advise, this is free of charge; only consumables are charged

• Advise

Consolidate and minimise your filtration spend with a clear cost report and free carbon footprint reduction analysis


• Install

KLEENOIL Offer a complete service – we offer a free trial if needed, and then the advice on the most suited level of KLEENOIL Filtration to suit your application. Then ensure complete guidance from installation, through implementation and guidance to an optional service programme and ongoing independent laboratory analysis sampling.

• Sampling

Flu i d cond i t i on mon i tor i ng

Oil analysis has become an important part of machine maintenance, and we can offer a programme of analysis in conjunction with Kleenoil cartridge changes to monitor the oils improvement, and alert to potential problems before they become serious.

• Reporting

KLEENOIL Offer an ongoing report system in conjunction with the sampling and filter change programme – whereby a QR Code is issued for an online file containing an easy to access information on each machine – with updates ion sampling results as well as comments on any issues found during filter changes. If a potential issue is suspected then a KLEENOIL operative will contact direct to offer advise.

KLEENOIL offer Amortization where

multiple installs can save costs before even paid for

Al l uni t s are del i vered / ins tal led / and commi ss ioned by KLEENOIL engineers unless otherwi se ar ranged

MS SYSTEMS ARE Suppl ied in a range of sizes,

Main systems

Code MS1/240V ( s i ngl e )

250 - 750 l ph

KLEENOIL offer a full service from manufacture to sales and support

Code MS2/240V ( tw i n un i t ) 500 - 750 l ph

Code MS4/240V ( quad un i t ) 1000 - 1590 l ph

Code MS6/240V ( S i x un i t ) 1500 - 1590 l ph

Code MS8/240V ( E i ght un i t ) 2000 - 3130 l p h

All systems use the SDU9788KF85 Unit for optimum performance.


Call for more information TEL 01977 682810

sales@kleenoil.co.uk www.kleenoil.co.uk KLEENOIL FENTON LANE SHERBURN IN ELMET LS25 6EZ


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