MAGNETIC CORE MODULE (MCM) A n a d d o n ma g n e t i c f i l t r a t i o n CORE t o r e mo v e f e r r o u s ma t e r i a l t o s u b m i c r o n l e v e l s a s a p e r f e c t c omp l i m e n t t o c e l l u l o s e d e p t h f i l t r a t i o n .

• Tech

How it works

Using a central core within the unit itself, the entire volume of fluid must pass within 5mm of its 4000 gauss magnet many times collecting any ferrous particulate, annihilating any form of diesel bug, and then through the depth filter to remove the remaining debris down to 3 micron and remove all water. The "RARE EARTH" magnet or Neodymium Iron Borium magnet uses a very high intensity of the magnetic cores and is one of the strongest magnets in the world. The highly polished "RARE EARTH" magnet is permanently mounted, to the lid, in the Kleenoil housing. The oil passes this very strong magnet first and then drops by the filter element Kleenoil.

An inexpensive add-on with massive benefits for an ever increasing problem .

• Applica’

The "RARE EARTH" magnet

Almost every application has significant levels of ferrous material to make this ‘add - on’ a valuable asset to take metal particulate down to sub micron levels to ensure significant filtration efficiency.

serves as a pre-filter for the

smallest metal particles

(including sub-micron

particles) to remove from

the machine oils. Then

achieving a significant

extension of the life of the

filter element

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