Fine filtration of particulate and water
Achieve an ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code – 14/9 NAS 1638 Class 6
• A simple, affordable ‘plug and play’ f i l trat ion cart in varying conf igurat ions : • Designed for cleaning hydraul ic, gear and transmission f luid reservoi rs and, as a portable design; ideal for fuel tank purging on trucks, construct ion equipment, and boats or for oi l and fuel transfer and rotat ional cleaning of factory and industrial equipment. • The Kleenoi l f i l ter achieves an ISO 4406 Cleanl iness Code of 14/9: wel l below the standards of the equipment ’s original manufacturers and distributors . • Removes part icles down to 1 micron (3 absolute), remove 99.95% of al l water, great ly decreasing machine wear and prolonging oi l l i fe. • Opt ional Micromag to remove f ine ferrous material to submicron and control bacteria. • PURCHASE • HIRE • SERVICE
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