Kleenoil Micron Filtration Systems Manual c/w help videos.
MS Systems
Micron Filtration Systems
Free standing, offline, fluid cleaning
filtration units,
used as
multi purpose cleaners or transfer
Video aid
Ms range
To help in operating the KLEENOIL System—we offer some short videos to show filter changes and cleaning.
To switch on—plug in to electric source—
Turn power switch
KLEENOIL OIL EVACUATION TIPO ( Stirrup pump needed )
A general filter cleanse onsite ;
MS Systems
Micron Fi ltrat i on Systems
Free standing , offl ine, fluid cleaning
f i ltrat ion uni ts ,
used as
mult i purpose cleaners or transfer uni ts
MS Range
C o d e M S 2 ( t w i n u n i t )
C o d e M S 4 ( Q u a d u n i t )
C o d e M S 6
C o d e M S 2 ( t w i n u n i t )
C o d e M S 2 ( t w i n u n i t )
C o d e M S 8
Fine filtration of particulate and water
Achieve an ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code – 14/9 NAS 1638 Class 6
• MS Operation • Pump Operation • Safety Features • Fault Finding • Cartridge Changes • Electrical diagram • Parts List • Models ; MS1.MS2.MS4.MS6.MS8 • Magnetic Filtration • C. E Statement • notes
✓ A s imp l e , a f f or dab l e ‘ p l ug and p l ay ’ Oi l /Di ese l f i l t r a t i on car t i n var y i ng con f i gur a t i ons .
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✓ Des i gned f or c l ean i ng hydrau l i c , gear and
t r ansmi ss i on f l u i d r eser vo i r s and , as a por t ab l e des i gn ; i dea l f or f ue l t ank pur g i ng on t r ucks , cons t r uc t i on equ i pmen t , and boa t s or f or o i l and f ue l t r ans f er and r o t a t i ona l c l ean i ng o f f ac t or y and i ndus t r i a l equ i pmen t . ✓ The Kl eeno i l f i l t er ach i eves an ISO 4406 Cl ean l i ness Code o f 14 / 9 : we l l be l ow t he s t andar ds o f t he equ i pmen t ’ s or i g i na l manu f ac t ur er s and d i s t r i bu t or s . ✓ Removes par t i c l es down t o 1 mi c r on ( 3 abso l u t e) , r emove 99 . 95% o f a l l wa t er , g r ea t l y dec r eas i ng mach i ne wear and pr o l ong i ng o i l l i f e . ✓ Op t i ona l Mi c romag t o remove f i ne f er rous ma t er i a l t o submi c r on and con t r o l bac t er i a .
MS OPERATION P l e a se r e ad t he s e Ope r a t i ng I ns t r uc t i ons c a r e f u l l y A l l u n i t s a r e s u p p l i e d r e a d y t o o p e r a t e w i t h n e w f i l t e r c a r t r i d g e s a r e i n s t a l l e d ✓ Please check the power supply ,110 volt, 240 volt or 380 volt and use the correct electrical connections. ✓ The unit must NOT be connected to machine pressure lines. • In Brief
✓ Please prime the suction line with approx. 0.75 litre of fluid before the 1 st use. At a maximum of 5 m head the pump does not require priming. (Read Pump Operation for first use – or reuse after long standing) Do not run the pump dry for more than 2 to 3 minutes as damage may/will occur. ( often to stator and rotor ) ✓ Connect the suction and return lines to the filter rig ✓ Suction line connects to the pump. ✓ Return line connects to the outlet on the filter manifold. ✓ Insert the suction line from the rig pump as near to the bottom of the oil tank as possible or connect to a drain or sump port. ✓ Connect the return line from the filter units to either a spare port or directly in to the top of the existing tank (recirculation) above the level of oil, or to a clean holding tank. ✓ Press Start and the pump will run ✓ The Green and Red light will show ✓ With new filter cartridges it will take approx. 3-4 minutes to purge the air from the unit. To calculate operating times when re-circulating oil. The oil must pass through the unit at least 7 times to achieve cleanliness level. E.g. Filter rig that will process 750 litres of 32 sec oil per hour at room temperature. Tank/system volume = 500 litres Multiply by 7 = 3500 Divide by pump flow rate e.g. 750 = 4.7 hours ✓ Connect to the power supply ✓ Turn the isolator switch to ON ✓ The Red light should show.
• Cleans
PUMP OPERATION P l e a se r e ad t he s e Ope r a t i ng I ns t r uc t i ons c a r e f u l l y FIRST TIME START-UP PROCEDURE Pumps must be filled with liquid before starting. The initial filling is not for priming purposes, but to provide the necessary lubrication of the stator until the pump primes itself. When the pump is stopped, sufficient liquid will normally be trapped in the rotor/stator assembly to provide lubrication upon restarting. If, however, the pump has been left standing for an appreciable time, moved to a new location, or has been dismantled and re-assembled, it must be refilled with liquid and given a few turns before starting. The pump is normally somewhat stiff to turn by hand owing to the close rotor/stator fi t. However, this stiff ness disappears when the pump is running normally against pressure NEVER RUN THE PUMP IN A DRY CONDITION EVEN FOR A FEW REVOLUTIONS OR THE STATOR WILL BE DAMAGED IMMEDIATELY. CONTINUAL DRY RUNNING COULD BE HARMFUL OR DAMAGING ROTOR AND STATOR The wear rate on these components is dependent on many factors, such as product abrasivity, speed, pressure etc. When pump performance has reduced to an unacceptable level one or possibly both items will need replacing.
• In Brief
• Fix
Scan QR Code for link to full PumpOperation Document
Al l un i t s a r e i ns t a l l ed w i t h s e ve r a l s a f e t y f e a t u r es
OVERLOAD SWITCH: The CROMPTON 3000 SERIES box is located with the electrics on each MFU — this protects the unit from overheating and power surges. In such event it will automatically turn off the pump and motor whereby protecting the electrics.
FLOAT SWITCH this is mounted at the lowest point of the rig with a 20mm movable float In the event of a leak/burst pipe/fitting — the rise of the oil in the bund will trigger the switch and turn off the motor so stopping potential oil over spilling the bund.
If the motor does stop for any reason; check the float switch first, if it has tripped ; drain any excess liquid from the bund and re-start, check for leaks.
PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE the Pressure Relief Valve is set at 8.5 bar in order to protect the pump and motor from over pressuring through filter blockages — in this event it will shut down to allow the operator to check the system. Check filter cartridges for overloading, or suction pipe for blockages.
FAULT ; Rig will not run: • Check Power Supply is correct voltage. • If fitted check for faulty fuse (240v Models) • Check power cable for any damage • Check that the power supply is connected and the Isolator Switch is ON. • Check to see if the RED light is illuminated……..No light…no supply. Check power supply. • RED light on press Start Switch……
No GREEN light…..Disconnect from Power Supply and request for a qualified Electrician to investigate the control box.
• Check trip switch inside the control box. • If the unit is bunded and is fitted with a float switch, check for any fluid spillage in the bund. Drain the excess fluid and re-start the unit. Check for any leaks.
FAULT ; Rig keeps stopping: • Start the rig and watch the pressure gauge. If this goes above 70 psi and the rig stops there is either a blockage between the pump and manifolds or the cartridges are clogged. FAULT ; Leak around Filter Lid: • Seals are worn or damaged…..remove and replace with new seals. • Check for any damage around the filter housing top if someone has used a screwdriver or similar to remove cartridges they may have damaged the aluminium lip. • Check tightness of bolts. FAULT ; No flow: • Check all fittings are tight on the suction side of the pump. • Prime the pump and if still no flow, check to see if the motor and pump are running. Disconnect the feed line to the manifold and if still no flow then check and replace pump stator. FAULT ; Poor Flow Rate: • Cartridges are clogging with dirt and/or water. • Cartridge inserted upside down. Remove lid and check brass ring is at the top. • Partial blockage in the pipe work or manifold. • By pass valve is opening due to partial blockage, cartridge clogging or too high viscosity of oil. • High viscosity rate of fluid will also reduce flow rate such as very heavy gear oil. Warmer oil flows more freely than cold oil, as the unit operates the oil will get warmer and flow will increase.
CARTRIDGE CHANGES P l e a se r e ad t he s e adv i so r y I ns t r uc t i ons c a r e f u l l y
• In Brief
Swi tch off the unit. ✓ Remove the suction line from the oil tank. ✓ Start the unit and operate for 2-3 minutes to purge the oil from the filter units. ✓ Switch off and isolate the power supply ✓ Remove the four retaining nuts from each filter unit. ✓ Remove the lids ✓ Pull the filter cartridge straight up (they may be very tight as the suction of the oil holds them in place) DO NOT USE A METAL LEVERAGE TO REMOVE ✓ Rest the cartridge at an angle above the filter housing ✓ Remove the new cartridge from the polythene bag. ✓ Place polythene bag over your hand and remove the old cartridge into the bag for disposal. ✓ Place the new cartridge, with the brass ring to the top , into the filter housing. ✓ Push down, firmly to seat. ✓ Check and replace the lid seal if required, with new seal provided. ✓ Repeat for second unit etc ✓ Place lids on to the filter housing and push down. ✓ Replace all bolts and nuts to each lid. ✓ Tighten nuts. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE RETAINING NUTS ✓ Replace the suction line. Dispose of used cartridges as per the environmental regulations and your company guidelines . Filter Cartridge Operation Oil enters the central tube in the cartridge and is forced in to the area between the top of the cartridge and the lid of the filter housing. Pressure from the pump continually pushes the oil through the tightly wound cellulose impregnated filter media. The filtered oil then exits through the outlet to the return line.
• How
To re-order – Quote code SDFC1888KF85 Replacement Filters
PARTS LIST P r i ma r y I t ems
1888S Filter Cartridges Sleeved for all oils & Fuels
Supplied box of 6
Frame 500mm
Frame Only
Frame 1000mm
Frame Only
Trolley 500mm
Trolley Only
Filter Cartridges for fuels & Light oils
Supplied box of 6
Bund 500mm
Bund Only
Filter Cartridges
Supplied box of 6
Bund 1000mm
Bund Only
KF85P Filter Cartridges for water based oils
Supplied box of 6
Castor Wheels
Single Unit
Filter Housing
Complete Unit
Suction Hose
3 Metre BSP Female 19mm
Filter Housing
Complete Unit
Filter Housing
Complete Unit
Return Hose
3 Metre BSP Female 19mm
ISOS110 Isolator Switch 110 volt
Complete Unit
Filter Trap Suction Line 19mm
Single Unit
Mini mess Sampling Point
Single Unit
ISOS240 Isolator Switch 240 volt
Complete Unit
Magnetic Filter 5 inch
Complete Unit
ISOS380 Isolator Switch 380 volt
Complete Unit
Magnetic Filter 10 inch
Complete Unit
Stop/Start Switch 110 volt
Complete Unit
Magnetic Filter 20 inch
Complete Unit
Stop/Start Switch 240 volt
Complete Unit
Magnetic Filter Cleaning Tool
Single Unit
Stop/Start Switch 380 volt
Complete Unit
DAN100 Pressure Cut Out Switch
Complete Unit
By Pass Valve
Complete Unit
Float Switch 110 volt
Switch Only
Hose Assembly By Pass
Hose Assembly Pump/Manifold
Float Switch 240 volt
Switch Only
Float Switch 380 volt
Switch Only
Particle Counter (where fitted)
See separate manual
Quick Coupler Male 19mm
Single Unit
Quick Coupler Female 19mm
Single Unit
Al l uni t s are del i vered and commi ss ioned by KLEENOIL engineers unless otherwi se ar ranged
Suppl ied in a range of sizes,
Main systems
Code MS1/240V ( s i ngl e )
250 - 350 l ph
KLEENOIL offer a full service from manufacture to sales and support
Code MS2/240V ( tw i n un i t ) 500 - 700 l ph
Code MS4/240V ( quad un i t ) 1000 - 1300 l ph
Code MS6/240V ( S i x un i t ) 1500 - 1590 l ph
Code MS8/240V ( E i ght un i t ) 2000 - 2400 l p h
All systems use the SDU9788KF85 Unit for optimum performance.
KLEENOIL MS1 Si ng le F r e e - s t a n d i n g , o f f l i n e , f l u i d c l e a n i n g r i g , u s e d a s a mu l t i p u r p o s e c l e a n e r o r t r a n s f e r u n i t • As either Twin wheeled upright trolley or bunded 4 wheeled work station ; or as a simple compact wall unit; • fitted with S range heavy duty Mono/Roto pump and 230/240 volt motor. • Single 9788 filter unit with cartridge, • Fitted with isolator switch, on/off switch, red/green indicator lights, pressure overload cut out switch, by pass valve, pressure gauge, sampling points on inlet and outlet, sampling tube, quick release couplings and 3 metre suction and return lines. • Supplied complete and ready to use. • Single unit rig will process approximately 250-350 ltrs per hour dependant on pump, temperature, contamination, oil pressure and viscosity. • Longer hose assemblies available . • Unit supplied ready to use. • Warranty 12 months on all parts. • Full instruction manual and parts listing. • All Rigs are built to order, available within 5 to 10 working days. • UK Manufactured with C.E certification • Oil Flow Rate: Output levels are dependent on pump type, viscosity, temperature, degree of contamination, and oil pressure. A self contained unit, with own pump and motor to facilitate suction, cleansing and release back into the same tank or as a transfer/purge system. Ideal for cleaning most hydraulic, gear, and transmission fluid, and as a portable design, used for fuel tank purging on trucks, construction equipment, and boats. For oil and fuel transfer and rotational cleaning of factory and industrial equipment.
• Tech
• Applica’
MS1 • Wall unit • Trolley Cart • Bunded Workstation
KLEENOIL MS2 Twi n F r e e - s t a n d i n g , o f f l i n e , f l u i d c l e a n i n g r i g , u s e d a s a mu l t i p u r p o s e c l e a n e r o r t r a n s f e r u n i t • As either Twin wheeled upright trolley/cart or bunded 4 wheeled work station ; • fitted with S range heavy duty Mono/Roto pump and 230/240 volt motor. • Twin 9788 filter units with cartridges, • Fitted with isolator switch, on/off switch, red/green indicator lights, pressure overload cut out switch, by pass valve, pressure gauge, sampling points on inlet and outlet, sampling tube, quick release couplings and 3 metre suction and return lines. • Supplied complete and ready to use. • Twin unit rig will process approximately 500-700 ltrs per hour dependant on pump, temperature, contamination, oil pressure and viscosity. • Longer hose assemblies available . • Unit supplied ready to use. • Warranty 12 months on all parts. • Full instruction manual and parts listing. • All Rigs are built to order, available within 5 to 10 working days. • UK Manufactured with C.E certification • Oil Flow Rate: Output levels are dependent on pump type, viscosity, temperature, degree of contamination, and oil pressure. A self contained unit, with own pump and motor to facilitate suction, cleansing and release back into the same tank or as a transfer/purge system. Ideal for cleaning most hydraulic, gear, and transmission fluid, and as a portable design, used for fuel tank purging on trucks, construction equipment, and boats. For oil and fuel transfer and rotational cleaning of factory and industrial equipment.
• Tech
• Applica’
• Trolley Cart • Bunded Workstation
KLEENOIL MS4 Quad F r e e - s t a n d i n g , o f f l i n e , f l u i d c l e a n i n g r i g , u s e d a s a mu l t i p u r p o s e c l e a n e r o r t r a n s f e r u n i t
• Tech
• Bunded 4 wheeled work station ; • fitted with M range heavy duty Mono/Roto pump and 230/240 volt motor. • Four 9788 filter units with cartridges,
• Fitted with isolator switch, on/off switch, red/green indicator lights, pressure overload cut out switch, by pass valve, pressure gauge, sampling points on inlet and outlet, sampling tube, quick release couplings and 3 metre suction and return lines. • Supplied complete and ready to use. • Four unit rig will process approximately 1000-1300 ltrs per hour dependant on pump, temperature, contamination, oil pressure and viscosity. • Longer hose assemblies available . • Unit supplied ready to use. • Warranty 12 months on all parts. • Full instruction manual and parts listing. • All Rigs are built to order, available within 5 to 10 working days. • UK Manufactured with C.E certification • Oil Flow Rate: Output levels are dependent on pump type, viscosity, temperature, degree of contamination, and oil pressure. A self contained unit, with own pump and motor to facilitate suction, cleansing and release back into the same tank or as a transfer/purge system. Ideal for cleaning most hydraulic, gear, and transmission fluid, and as a portable design, used for fuel tank purging on trucks, construction equipment, and boats. For oil and fuel transfer and rotational cleaning of factory and industrial equipment.
• Applica’
• Bunded
KLEENOIL MS6 Si x F r e e - s t a n d i n g , o f f l i n e , f l u i d c l e a n i n g r i g , u s e d a s a mu l t i p u r p o s e c l e a n e r o r t r a n s f e r u n i t
• Tech
• Bunded 4 wheeled work station ; • fitted with M range heavy duty Mono/Roto pump and 230/240 volt motor. • Six 9788 filter units with cartridges,
• Fitted with isolator switch, on/off switch, red/green indicator lights, pressure overload cut out switch, by pass valve, pressure gauge, sampling points on inlet and outlet, sampling tube, quick release couplings and 3 metre suction and return lines. • Supplied complete and ready to use. • Six unit rig will process approximately 1500 ltrs per hour dependant on pump, temperature, contamination, oil pressure and viscosity. • Longer hose assemblies available . • Unit supplied ready to use. • Warranty 12 months on all parts. • Full instruction manual and parts listing. • All Rigs are built to order, available within 5 to 10 working days. • UK Manufactured with C.E certification • Oil Flow Rate: Output levels are dependent on pump type, viscosity, temperature, degree of contamination, and oil pressure. A self contained unit, with own pump and motor to facilitate suction, cleansing and release back into the same tank or as a transfer/purge system. Ideal for cleaning most hydraulic, gear, and transmission fluid, and as a portable design, used for fuel tank purging on trucks, construction equipment, and boats. For oil and fuel transfer and rotational cleaning of factory and industrial equipment.
• Applica’
• Bunded
KLEENOIL MS8 EIGHT F r e e - s t a n d i n g , o f f l i n e , f l u i d c l e a n i n g r i g , u s e d a s a mu l t i p u r p o s e c l e a n e r o r t r a n s f e r u n i t
• Tech
• Bunded 4 wheeled work station ; • fitted with L range heavy duty Mono/Roto pump and 230/240 volt motor. • Eight 9788 filter units with cartridges,
• Fitted with isolator switch, on/off switch, red/green indicator lights, pressure overload cut out switch, by pass valve, pressure gauge, sampling points on inlet and outlet, sampling tube, quick release couplings and 3 metre suction and return lines. • Supplied complete and ready to use. • Eight unit rig will process approximately 2000-2400 ltrs per hour dependant on pump, temperature, contamination, oil pressure and viscosity. • Longer hose assemblies available . • Unit supplied ready to use. • Warranty 12 months on all parts. • Full instruction manual and parts listing. • All Rigs are built to order, available within 5 to 10 working days. • UK Manufactured with C.E certification • Oil Flow Rate: Output levels are dependent on pump type, viscosity, temperature, degree of contamination, and oil pressure. A self contained unit, with own pump and motor to facilitate suction, cleansing and release back into the same tank or as a transfer/purge system. Ideal for cleaning most hydraulic, gear, and transmission fluid, and as a portable design, used for fuel tank purging on trucks, construction equipment, and boats. For oil and fuel transfer and rotational cleaning of factory and industrial equipment.
• Applica’
• Bunded
MICROMAG MAGNETIC F ILTRATION A n a d d o n ma g n e t i c f i l t r a t i o n s y s t e m t o r e mo v e f e r r o u s ma t e r i a l t o s u b m i c r o n l e v e l s a s a p e r f e c t c omp l i m e n t t o c e l l u l o s e d e p t h f i l t r a t i o n .
• Tech
With the convenient mount on the Kleenoil Filter Cart: the Micromag is easily viewed, whereby oil from the source is clearly seen passing through the pump into the magnetic core and ALL metal debris is visibly removed, then through into the Kleenoil Filtration Units where it continues to be ‘polished’ . Utilising a hard-wearing clear filter body, anodised aluminium lid, high intensity magnetic core, incorporating neodymium iron boron magnetic material that generates extremely high-intensity magnetic fields. Fluid enters via the inlet port and is evenly distributed around the underside of the aluminium lid via radial tapered flow channels. The fluid to pass down the outside of the magnetic core where magnetic particles are attracted by the high intensity magnetic field. The fluid then passes through four return slots at the bottom of the core, up through the central return tube and out of the outlet port. Allowing extended operating time and minimalized downtime.
ADVISE FOR A CLEAN FILTER CARTRIDGE CHANGE PROCEDURE 1. Switch off the unit. 2. Remove the suction line from the oil tank. 3. Start the unit and operate for 2-3 minutes to purge the oil from the filter units. 4. Switch off and isolate the power supply. 5. Remove 3/4” blanking plug from ball valve and replace with supplied hose tail. 6. Open ball valve, connect low pressure air to shrader valve (0.5 — 1 bar ) it is possible to use a bicycle pump for this. If neither available then a vessel and spill mat will be required to collect the excess fluid. 7. Once fluid has drained from unit, undo clear twist on cap. 8. Using provided cleaning tool, or a soft clean cloth — wipe magnets clean. 9. Re-assemble. 10. Replace the suction line. Dispose of the residue as per the environmental regulations and your company guidelines.
C E CONFORMITY KLEENO I L i s p r oud t o be Made i n B r i t a i n
EC Declaration
EC Declaration of Conformity
as defined by Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
In this case the machinery meets the requirements of the said directive including any amendments which are valid at the time of supply. We further declare that, where applicable, said machinery also meets the requirements of: The EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
EC Declaration of Incorporation This declaration is only valid when partly completed machinery has been supplied. In this case, the machinery meets the requirements of the said directive and is intended for incorporation into other machinery or for assembly with other machinery in order to constitute relevant machinery as defined by the said directive including any amendments, which are valid at the time of supply. IMPORTANT This declaration is only valid when the machinery has been installed, operated and maintained in accordance with these instructions and safety guidelines contained within as well as instructions supplied for equipment assembled with or intended for use with this equipment. The following harmonised standards are applicable: BS E N 809, BS EN ISO 12100 Parts 1 & 2
The Low Voltage Directive 2006 /95/E Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC The Outdoor Noise Directive 2005/88/EC The Drinking Water Directive 99/83/EC
ATEX statement: All Kleenoil MFU Systems are not Atex compliant. Where a unit is to be installed in a potentially explosive atmosphere ensure that this has been specified at the time of purchase and that the equipment has been supplied accordingly and displays an ATEX nameplate or is supplied with a certificate of conformity. If there is any doubt as to the suitability of the equipment please contact Kleenoil Limited before commencing with installation and commissioning. Electrical installation and maintenance work should only be carried out by suitably qualified and competent persons and must be in accordance with relevant electrical regulations. All electrical equipment, including control and safety devices, should be suitably rated for the environment in to which they are installed .
Take advantage of the KLEENOIL f ree ma i ntenance program
• Service
Check machine, oil and filtration condition Change filtration cartridges as required on full flow/pressure, air breathers and supporting filtration
Dispose of used filters, if required
• Report
Oil sample through an independent laboratory
Provide full reports and recommendations
KLEENOIL offer monthly or quarterly visits to change filters, sample oil, report and advise, this is free of charge; only consumables are charged
• Advise
Consolidate and minimise your filtration spend with a clear cost report and free carbon footprint reduction analysis
Call for more information TEL 01977 682810
sales@kleenoil.co.uk www.kleenoil.co.uk KLEENOIL FENTON LANE SHERBURN IN ELMET LS25 6EZ
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