m f u g u i d e
KLEENOIL have developed a sec- ondary range of replacement car- tridges to suit specific uses.
The Kleenoil Bypass Filter System is a bypass oil filtration system that passes only a small portion of the total oil flow through a very dense filter cartridge. At a slow speed, it is possible to remove particles down to 1 micron (3 absolute), remove 99.95% of all water, greatly de- crease engine wear and prolong oil life. Kleenoil can eliminate water and particle contamination, extend oil life up to 5 times and hydraulic oil up to 10 times, reduce engine/ machine wear and component wear. Castings subjected to batch and in- dividual testing constructed of Alu- minum BS1490 LM6 (M)
Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover and brass fastening. Performance Specifications of engine, gear and hydraulic oils. Filtration Level: Particulate contamination in ac- cordance with BS 5540 part 4: 1981 and ISO/DIS 4406. ISO equivalent to NAS 1638 class 6. (Hydraulic oil specification)
Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover and brass fastening. Additional graded poly- propylene discs—split layer filtration level. Handles. Performance Filtration Level: ISO 14/11/9 equivalent to NAS 1638 class 6. (Hydraulic oil specifica- tion) Arrests channelling & provides second- ary phase of filtration, taking a larger volume of smaller particles The PREMIUM offers a second stage of filtration to substantially increase both volume and speed of particle retention. Ask our sales team for some analytical records on performance of these cartridges
Long fibre cellulose body with nylon cover and brass fastening. Additional graded polypropyl- ene disc. Handles.
Filtration Level: ISO 14/11/9 equivalent to NAS 1638 class 6. (Hydraulic oil specification) Disc reduces particle migration and handles help for ease of extraction. For all general use where, by preventing lower particle migration achieves better ISO readings faster.
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