S T A N D A R D f o r m a t s
When specified rigs may also be fitted with: Sensor Float Switch & Power supply for Particle Counter.
On / Off and pressure
Pump and motor
Flow Rate:
I t is not possible to state an ex- act flow rate because it is de- pendent upon many factors such as viscosity, temperature, and the degree of contamina- tion of fluid, and also pump pressure and degree of contam- ination of cartridges. As an ap- proximate guide, with a Mono S range pump the flow of 32 sec. Hydraulic oil at room tempera- ture through new cartridges will be:
Standard filter rigs are sup- plied with electrics to suit the specified power supply:
Level of filtration ap- plying to all units - BS 5540/4, ISO 14/9 and equivalent NAS 1638 class 6. Water remov- al to <0.05% up to ca- pacity of cartridges which is 1.2 litres each.
Isolator Switch On/Off Switch
Red/Green Indicator Lights Pressure Relief Cut Out
Connection lead
All Mono motors are fitted with heat overload cut out/ re - set.
MS1 Single Filter 350 Litres per hour
MS2 Twin Filter
500 Litres per hour
MS4 Four Filter
750 Litres per hour
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