Al l un i t s a r e de l i ve r ed / i ns t a l l ed / and commi ss i oned by KLEENOI L eng i nee r s un l ess o t he rw i se a r r anged
Take advan t age o f our f r ee se r v i ce p l an ;
Kleenoil engineers visit on an agreed monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly interval.
Check machine, oil and filtration condition
KLEENOIL offer a full service from manufacture to sales and support
• Change filtration cartridges as/if required on full flow/pressure, air breathers and supporting filtration
Dispose of used filters, if required
Oil sampling if required
Provide full reports and recommendations
• Consolidate and minimise your filtration spend with a clear cost report and free carbon footprint reduction analysis The service is completely free of charge within the UK Mainland Only consumables are charged for - callout, labour, service, and disposal free of charge
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