Fine filtration of particulate and water
Achieve an ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code – 14/9 NAS 1638 Class 6
Uni t Operat ion
The Kleenoil Bypass Filter System is a bypass oil filtration system that passes only a small portion of the total oil flow through a very dense filter cartridge. At a very slow speed, it is possible to remove particles down to 1 micron (3 absolute), remove 99.95% of all water, greatly decrease engine wear and prolong oil life.
Kleenoil can eliminate water and particle contamination, extend oil life up to 5 times and hydraulic oil up to 10 times, reduce engine/machine wear and component wear, dramatically reduce downtime, and is applicable to engines as well as hydraulic systems
The Kleenoi l f i l ter achieves an ISO 4406 Cleanl iness Code of 14/9: wel l below the standards of the equipment ’ s or iginal manufacturers and di st r ibutors .
Bypass filter technology will greatly improve oil quality, and the overall health and life of a component • lower wear, • lower oil consumption, • higher combustion efficiency • longer oil life
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