The KLEENOIL Hydraul i c Sys tem
THE EFFECT OF BY-PASS CELLULOSE DEPTH FILTRATION IN THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM… Removes particles down to 1 micron (3 absolute), remove 99.95% of all water, eliminate resins & oxidation products. THE BENEFITS …… An important reduction in erosion, fatigue, abrasive wear and wear of critical clearances, which results in: • No blocking of narrow passages i.e. leading to valve malfunction. • Completely reliable valves and pumps; no more pump problems. • Stabile oil viscosity and acidity and perfect lubricating properties. • Increased fluid life. • No coating and corrosion of metal surfaces and no generation of rust. • No blocking of full flow filters when starting with cold oil and 2 to 4 times extended life. • Increased machine performance, controllability, system efficiency, reliability and machine life. • Reduced power consumption. • Longer life for hydraulic components (pumps, valves, cylinder seals and other spare part) • Significant reduction of oil consumption and oil disposal cost • An important decrease of machine down time, manpower and production loss.
• Detail
At least 75 percent of all hydraulic systems fail due to contaminated or aging hydraulic fluid.… Contamination causes aging/degradation of fluids and hydraulic systems failure for numerous reasons. In addition to increasing internal leakage (which lowers the efficiency of pumps, motors and cylinders), contamination decreases the ability of valves to control flow and pressure, thus wasting power and generating excess heat. Furthermore, it causes parts to stick due to sludge or silting or seize when large amounts of contaminants accumulate in the clearances. Sources of contamination can include the manufacturing process, hydraulic fluids, environmental exposure, system wear and servicing.
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